Sunday, January 25, 2009

Welcome to My Blog

I want to welcome you to the continuing blog coverage of the fun things in life. I hope you will enjoy your stay, look around, leave a comment or just have a good time.


Thanks to JSTC for the iphoto inspiration.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Growing, Changing, and Hanging With Family

It is amazing how much Patrick has grown and changed within the last month. We call him our "little man" because he looks just like a miniature adult, expressions and all. Patrick's recent activities include working on his core muscles, trying (constantly) to sit up or roll over, and making us laugh with his cooing and high energy squealing. Most mornings Patrick wakes up a very happy baby; we are thrilled to watch his daily development and share in his new discoveries. Patrick is very inquisitive and enjoys being social with almost anyone, but he seems to have a knack for charming the ladies. I finally broke down and bought him a onesie that reads "Chicks dig me," which seems to be quite true these days!

We enjoyed a great visit with my cousin Denise and her family last weekend in La Jolla. As usual, Patrick was a trooper traveler, and we all had a great time. Patrick found two new buddies in his second cousins Helena and Jordan, and he enjoyed strolling along the beach with Jim and Denise, checking out the waves and catching a few rays of sunshine on the Pacific Ocean! We look forward to a few more car trips with Patrick before he becomes mobile, which could be sooner than we expect, based on his recent determination to roll over. I have nicknamed him "Protracter Man" because he pushes himself around on his side in his crib, making a 45 degree arc with his body. It's hilarious to come into his room after he has been awake for a few minutes, since we never know in what position we will find him! Stay tuned for more adventures from Patrick's Crib! Thanks for reading.

Grit, Determination and Frustration

Somethings take time and effort. Feel the grit, experience the frustration, vicariously live the dream, the dream of rolling over for the first time in this 1 min 15 second movie clip from Sat Jan 24, 2009.

Stay tuned for the Sequel


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Things that make you go hmmm.

I often wonder why. Specifically Patrick has a Dr. Seuss outfit that says "up up and away" and every time we put it on him something else goes up up and away and the outfit must be changed. Things that make you go hmmm!! One day he will get to wear it more than a few minutes.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sounds of Happiness

What do we do when Vivian is teaching a voice lesson downstairs? Have fun upstairs of course :)

You need sound for this one otherwise it won't make any sense!!

Taken via the digital camera movie function (not intended for HD!!!)